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Anastasia Milton

Nails Pro academy educator

Do you ever worry you'll hurt your client's nail when using an electric nail file?
I can relate! When I started using electric file, I had no idea which bits I should use for different services and products, which speed to use and had  no idea which technique to use. 
I had to explore techniques by means of trial and error on my own nails, and ended up damaging my nails in the process. I also lost a few clients while experimenting these different techniques.
Finally, I figured out how to use electric nail file properly without damage and pain and am excited to share my methods with you!

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If you start using an electric file drill:

  • You will reduce the procedure time,
  • Your wrists and neck will not get tired as the actual work will be done by the machine,
  • You will forget about nail damage and inflamed cuticle,
  • You will be able to raise prices for your services.

We invite you to watch the webinar if your work occasionally results in:

  • Overfilled nails,
  • Ridges from using the bit,
  • Burns and abrasions,
  • Untidy manicure,
  • Cuts of the cuticles.

You will learn:

The webinar will review the most common mistakes when using  an electric file, such as:

  • Harsh, unpleasant skipping and vibrations when using e-file
  • E-files overheating
  • E-file stops spinning while filing 
  • Overfilling natural nail plate
  • E-files “jump” near the free edge

Anastasia Milton will explain why these issues happen, and how to prevent them in the future.

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