Flawless Acrylic Application
FREE Online Webinar
Flawless Acrylic Application
FREE Online Webinar
At NailsProAcademy, we believe shared knowledge has the power to change lives, and we create a better beautiful industry together. So in the spirit of togetherness, we’re hosting the upcoming free Flawless Acrylic Application Webinar.
If you’re just starting out, don’t worry. This webinar is perfect for beginners since I am going to cover the basic terms and objectives of the acrylic application.
Experienced nail technicians will benefit from it too as I will share some nail hacks and tips on flawless acrylic application.
If you are looking for more clients and want to make nail sculpting professionally — this webinar is for you!
At Nails Pro Academy, your success is our success.
That’s why we offer in-depth training webinars for free—to help you make the most of our Academy and earn more money.
Anastasia Milton, Nails Pro Academy educator
What you will learn:
- Acrylic products - what you need to know before shopping
- Best products for beginners and pros
- Which monomer you should use?
- How to minimize the odor?
- How to make your acrylic brush last for years
During this free event, you’ll connect with fellow nails technicians and also get:
- Acrylic is setting up too fast - what should you do?
- Product consistency secrets
- Acrylic application Demo
- Q&A Session
- Acrylic application practice - get your products ready!
- Online course giveaway (only for participants joining live)
Products required
If you want to practice with me get these products ready:
- Paper, pen
- Monomer (Acrylic liquid)
- Acrylic powders — clear, cover pink, any pastel color
- Non-acid primer for acrylic
- Sanitizer
- Dehydrator
- Acrylic brush #8
- Glass dish cup for acrylic nails
- 150/150 Grit File
- 180/180 Grit File
- 180/240 Grit Buffer
- Block Buffer
- Nail Forms
- Sharp scissors
- Lint-free tissues
- Topcoat LED Lamp
While the Flawless Acrylic Application Webinar is geared towards or beginners, we encourage anyone interested in growing their nail extension skills to attend.
Nails by Anastasia Milton
Got questions? Ask here!
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Yes, we will send you notifications 2 hours before and 30 minutes before the webinar. You can watch the webinar on every device, but it’s better to use a phone, a laptop or tablet in order to communicate with others in chat.
or something? And also I live in Norh Carclasses.
pk9⁰olina what time does will It start for me. And thank u so much for this opportunity not everyone can afford to pay for classes. can't wait see u soon
You only need to follow the link to watch the webinar, nothing else is needed😉 In which town and country do you live? Unfortunately, I can’t understand from your message.
Yes, sure, you can work on your own hands! You only need to follow the link to watch the webinar, nothing else is needed😊
You will be able to watch a replay of the webinar. It will be available to watch on the webinar page for a few days😉
Usually, our webinars last 2 hours, sometimes a little bit more.
We do hope that our webinar will help you!
I have answered you in private messages☺️
The webinar will be held at 9 am Los Angeles time😊
What will be the exact time according to Indian time?
The webinar will be held at 21:30 New Dehli time😉
The webinar will start at 20:00 Oman time😊
You will get all this information during the webinar. Anastasia will explain this😉
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Sorry, but we don’t understand you😔 Can you, please, text us in English.
Thanks so much Anastasia ❤️
Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to offer your viewers the opportunity to *learn from a nail-master like YOU—— for FREE!!!!* 😱❤️
I will ask Anastasia to pay more attention on this.
Anastasia will share the perfect consistency secrets on this webinar😉